Low college attainment has a negative impact on a state’s economy. The Hispanic academic achievement gap alone is currently costing Michigan $1 billion.

Over 20% of Hispanics in Michigan live below the poverty line. In Detroit, the Hispanic poverty rate is 40%.

Hispanics are a young and growing population: in Michigan, Hispanics make up just 4% of the adult (18+) population but 9% of the youth (under 18) population, a trend that continues.

Only 20% of Hispanics in Michigan are getting bachelor’s degrees – in Detroit, the rate is 8%. On average, people with bachelor’s degrees earn $24k more per year (compared to people with only HS diplomas).

Nationally, only about 1% of philanthropic dollars are directed towards Latino-led and Latino-serving organizations.

The median household income for Hispanics in Michigan is $50k, trailing the median household income in the U.S. ($67k).
MiHC's Solution
We know that students that participate in MiHC's program will graduate from college with an employable degree, empowering them to move on to career opportunities in the professional workforce, filling gaps left by retirees and supporting retirement programs (Social Security, Medicare, etc.).
Because of the Hispanic "familismo" culture of strong connected families, we know that Hispanic students remain in Michigan, near family, even after they graduate from college.
As we continue to educate and support Hispanic students, we empower future generations of Michigan Hispanic professionals to become economically stable and eventually "pay it forward" through philanthropy, mentorship, and more.